For THOMANI the basis of a good skills and development program is found in the balancing of financial success with social responsibility. Three critical factors contribute to this balance:
This requires the identification of HDSA individuals who have a passion for Media, Communication and Technology and has, over the past years, led to the group training persons from all walks of life, most of whom have been trained at the group’s expense. We recognise that to accommodate the enormous need for education, we must continually expand, so as to afford others the chance
to do so.
We have a major role to play in the promotion of a culture of “upliftment”. By encouraging and supporting self improvement we have seen emerging students attain more than a certificate in computer literacy. We are witnessing a mindset transformation and increasing confidence that bodes well for future generations.
PositiveChange is brought about by education and upliftment. Together these elements form the building blocks for reconstruction and development. The above constitutes, for THOMANI, our policy plan - educate, uplift and change. Our success is inextricably linked to the success of the national policy reflected in the gazetted "Skills Transfer and Training Bill” emanating from the Ministry of Labour.
Every successful project and contract means one thread in the vast tapestry being woven by and for every South African!
Ownership, Governance and Vision
THOMANI has built its ownership, governance and vision upon five cornerstones:
Training Mentorship Community Outreach Employment Practices