The ICT sector has increased exponentially over the past 10 years; however the lag between skills development and technology rollout is skewed amongst most HDSA communities. In order to rectify this THOMANI believes in certain corrective steps that need to be embarked upon.

While it is important to develop skills amongst our staff for the purposes of enhanced profit, it is equally important for us to cultivate the possible entrepreneurs of the future. To this end we anticipate that our mentoring programs will help to imbue our staff and other HDSA participants with the acumen required to function effectively in the business world. Senior, seasoned personnel, inclusive of the anagement/Directors implement a pattern of succession planning not only at the level of key management, but also at the level of the least experienced entry-level designer and technician. In this manner the company literally ensures its own continuity into the future whilst engaging in the creating “business savvy” entrepreneurs of the future.